Mark Newman is the Toyota National Young Builder of the Year
In November 2018, Mark Newman was named Toyota National Young Builder of Year at the MBA’s National Excellence in Building and Construction Awards in Adelaide.
Winning this rare and highly coveted award is a dream for every builder. It takes an exceptional project, with technical excellence, significant leadership and contribution to the industry, underpinned by a sound building business, all under the age of 40.

Judges comments: The exceptionally high standard of building work achieved by all the candidates for the Young Builder of the Year award in 2018 presented the judges with the unenviable task of choosing a winner from a formidable field of builders who are continually raising the bar in terms of refinement and sophistication in building. The judges never cease to be amazed by the high quality of the entries, including entries that have not managed to win an award this year, but are nonetheless of a very high calibre.
After careful consideration, the judges decided unanimously that this young builder was the most deserving in view of the complexity, refinement and beauty of his winning entry, and the flawless execution of the demanding design which was delivered under a “lump sum” contract, on time and on budget. The project involved the renovation of a stone-built worker’s cottage and the construction of a rear addition of pre-dominantly off-form concrete, and was, in the opinion of the judges, a masterclass in building by a talented young builder, Mark Newman.
Mark Newman is the Toyota National Young Builder of the Year 2018
Link to post award interview with Master Builders Australia
An ‘unenviable task of choosing a winner’
Link to judges comments on NSW Master Builders Association website
Building Australia Magazine
Link to page 11 article in Master Builders Australia magazine
Balmain Rock House
Learn more about this multi award winning project
Category: Housing » Young Builder of the Year
Year: 2018 (Awarded in September 2018)
Company: Newmark Constructions